Welcome Students!
The CONNECTIONS Program began in 1987. CONNECTIONS is an environmental and multicultural leadership program that engages high school students in learning about diversity. Through this program, they develop an awareness and understanding of issues relating to discrimination and stereotyping and the environment. By the end of the program, they have addressed some of these issues using the leadership skills they have acquired, to become positive ambassadors and change makers in their own schools and communities.
Our vision is based on Environmental Stewardship, Cultural Awareness, Leadership, Empathy, Understanding, Acceptance and Friendship!
Access the Parent-Student Booklet for more information.
Please access the different LINKS to learn more about our program, by simply using the white navigational text to the left.
Student Participant Quotes
"This program was amazing! It really made/makes me think and helped/helps me to make better decisions and learn about racism. Plus I made great friends there!"
“Although “Connections” is a school course, it does not feel like one at all. “Connections” is a hands on experience that teaches you things no textbook ever will. It is an experience that allows you to meet new people and learn life time skills. “
"It (CONNECTIONS) was so worthwhile. Everything was important, everything contributed to my view of the world. I really enjoyed the acting part, where we could experience real life situations. I hope more schools and more programs like this will happen so that more people will learn how important cultures are to our world and our connection to it. Thank you! "
"I could never say enough about this program it was so life changing to me. I learned so much not only about me but about the people around me; this program should be offered to everyone."