Duchess High

Oct. 24 - 28 , 2016

Be The Change Projects:

The students at Duchess identified 3 topics that they wanted to work on with their community. 

To raise awareness about diversity in society they involved grade 5 – 12 students in creating descriptive and positive words about diversity. Using a computer program, they created a mosaic picture using all of these words to display. 155 students participated in the activity.

In order to demystify the stereotypes of Muslims and create awareness, the students created a powerpoint and gave a presentation on Islam to the grade 8 class. 38 students attended the presentation. 

To tackle the issue of Gender equality, the students decided to target a younger audience. They created a presentation that included a powerpoint, videos and interactive activity with a class of 16 Grade 5 students. 

March 2 - 6, 2015

Be the Change Project: 'Acceptance Day'

The goal of Acceptance Day was to acknowledge the diversity of groups (different groups and interests, not racial)

1. Happiness is Acceptance tree created

2. appropriate music over lunch hours for creating the atmosphere of self-acceptance while doing the tree art

3. 2 presenters: David Thiaw and Joseph Octavius, speaker from Brooks Community Immigration Services, talking of acceptance

4. connection with Brooks CHS to be part of their Acceptance day 

Funders and Sponsors

  • RBC Foundation
  • The Calgary Foundation
  • Kamp Kiwanis
  • Cenovus Energy
  • Alliance Pipeline
  • TD Friends of the Enivornment Foundation
  • Rife Resources Ltd