Our Programs

The CONNECTIONS™ Program encourages students to "be the change you want to see in the world" (Gandhi)

  • By expanding awareness of diversity issues and fostering cross-cultural understanding
  • By working together to fight ethnocentrism, stereotyping, racism, prejudice and discrimination
  • By empowering students to develop and utilize their personal leadership skills to affect positive change
  • By connecting with nature and recognizing diverse issues in the environment

GREEN Schools™ is a program created by the SEEDS Foundation, now called SEEDS Connections. (In January 2014, SEEDS merged with another charity, Connections Education Society) and changed its name to SEEDS Connections.)

Habitat in the Balance - An online decision-making program in which the student examines issues from one of three main topic areas: water, inhabitants, and land.

Energy Literacy Series - Energy Literacy Series (ELS) is a web-based teaching program that begins with an Introduction to Energy, followed by ten modules that examine all renewable and nonrenewable energy sources. It provides information about energy, where facilities are located, and how energy resources are obtained, converted, and used. It examines energy issues from different perspectives in a non-judgmental, bias-balanced way.

Teaching Activities for Climate Change (TACC) activity allows students to examine several energy-saving actions that will reduce their own and their family's energy consumption, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and potentially save money.

Wading in for Water: A youth leadership module developed by SEEDS Connections™ with the support of ConocoPhillips Canada.  This is an experiential program including a field study and action project designed to connect directly with Science 14, Unit D and includes additional curricular connections to Career and Technology Studies ENS courses.


Funders and Sponsors

  • RBC Foundation
  • The Calgary Foundation
  • Kamp Kiwanis
  • Cenovus Energy
  • Alliance Pipeline
  • TD Friends of the Enivornment Foundation
  • Rife Resources Ltd